The village of Leipe


Leipe is a historic village with a tradition of boat trips.

Leipe is water. Leipe is nature. Leipe is culture. Situated on a sandbank in the middle of the Spreewald is the small village of Leipe.

Surrounded by watercourses, the Spree and the Leiper Graben, an important and typical means of transport still operates here today: the Spreewald punt.

Places of interest in Leipe

With only around 130 inhabitants, Leipe nevertheless has a distinct Spreewald culture. Discover traditional work such as fishing, vegetable growing and livestock farming, all of which are still practised in their original forms. Also visit the Heimatstube Leipe, where you can marvel at many exhibits showing the former life of the Spreewalders, as well as numerous Wendish traditional costumes.

Beautiful green house on the river Spreewald
© TVS | Peter Becker

Activities in Leipe

For a long time, Leipe in the Spreewald could only be reached via the typical Spreewald punt and to this day it is still the only means of transport for some farmers. Therefore, you should definitely take a punt trip in the Spreewald and explore Leipe in the Spreewald from the rivers.


Spreewald Tourist Information Lübbenau

Tel. 03542 3668

Boat trip in the Spreewald
© TVS | Peter Becker